Here is a gentle breathwork of 5 minutes with a moment of integration at the end.
Sometimes, Breathwork can appear scary and intense.
When we breathe deeper, we feel more our sensations and we may be in touch with some repressed materials from the past. For sure deep breathing can allow to release deep tensions and traumas stored in our body as long as a framework of safety is provided by ensuring grounding and resourcing. Pendulation and Titration are also important and are part of a trauma-informed structure which I follow.
For me, breathwork is also an invitation for gentleness, softness, self-love, non-doing and Presence.
What more exquisite than soft, curving, warmth, soothing breaths of Life?
Here is an extract of my last open online session –
A short gentle breathwork of about 5 minutes if you wish to savour the innocence, beauty and love of Your Breath of Life in your Loving and Welcoming Presence.
Have a very beautiful gentle day, Bindu
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