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dim. 17 sept.



This new series will be an invitation to access real and deep relaxation, to restore our being and to merge our Masculine and our Feminine.

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Time & Location

17 sept. 2023, 11:00 UTC−4 – 26 nov. 2023, 13:00 UTC−5


About the Event

I am excited to announce that I will be offering a New Fall Online Breathwork Series.

This new online series is called Merging the Feminine with the Masculine - 6 Taos to the Cosmic Body and starts on September 17th. 

This series, based on presence and trauma informed breathwork, aims to restore an harmonious way of living by

  • Slowing down our hectic Doing mode (Masculine) to access our Being/Relaxation mode (Feminine)
  • Restoring, Nourishing and Anchoring our body and mind in Presence
  • Merging with the Flow of Life at a cellular level


Sundays at 11am NY - 4pm UK - 5pm Paris time

- Sept 17

- Oct 1, 15, 29

- Nov 12 and 26

If you can not attend live, Replays will be available.

PRICE - $300

If you are bringing a new paying breather, you will get this series for free.

This price includes 

- 6 breathing journeys (2 to 2.5 hours) including breathwork, meditations, trauma releases and somatic tools, Eastern embodiment awakening techniques, ...

- Access for 6 months to the recordings

- If you cannot attend some sessions live, you will still have access to the recordings.

- Access to a private community platform where experiences and questions can be shared

This series is Trauma-infomed and Presence-oriented.

This new breathwork series will be an invitation to access real and deep relaxation, to restore our being and to merge our Masculine and our Feminine.

The Universal component we belong to is animated by two forces, the Feminine and the Masculine, the Yin and the Yang, the Form and the Formless, Matter and Space, Being and Doing, The Body and the Mind ...

In our modern society, this balance has been jeopardized with the importance of Doing and the Mind while neglecting Presence/Being and the Body. This disbalance is at the root of separation and all of the aches of our personal self and society.

This new series aims to heal the resulting aches caused by this disbalance such as 

- stress and anxiety (panic attacks, hypertension, PTSD)

- body aches and pains

- racing thoughts, exhaustion, sleepiness

- inability to fully relax and recuperate, constant fatigue and tiredness

- deficient immune system and high inflammation

- depression, burn out, addiction or food disorders

- difficulty to focus, to meditate, to Be, feeling pulled in a million different directions

- dysregulated nervous system always in alert mode and inability to enjoy good moments in Life

- inability to remain anchored in your essential nature or feel Home or Freedom in the midst of your daily life

By joining this new series, you will be able to experience

- Deep relaxation (Being, Presence) and nourishment of your mind and body

- Mental stability, Calmer mind

- Healing of deeply-seated stress and tensions

- Release trauma

- Dissolution of stress into peace and joy

- A deeper breath and shift of your perception

- A reconnection with your body in a safe way while discovering its Sacredness

- Intuitive awareness, inner wisdom, intelligence and intuition

- An Expansion of your Freedom in your daily life

- A feeling of Wholeness with all your parts and a felt experience of Oneness with Life

- Feeling Home and Being (in) the Flow


Sundays at 11am NY - 4pm UK - 5pm Paris time

- Sept 17

- Oct 1, 15, 29

- Nov 12 and 26

EARLY BIRD PRICING - $270 before September 12. After this date the PRICE is $300

This price includes 

- 6 breathing journeys (2 to 2.5 hours) including breathwork, meditations, trauma releases and somatic tools, Eastern embodiment awakening techniques, ...

- Access for 6 months to the recordings

- If you cannot attend some sessions live, you will still have access to the recordings.

- Access to a private community platform where experiences and questions can be shared


You can pay me on my Paypal account as Friends and Family.

Make sure that I am receiving either $300 or 282 EURO.

REGISTRATION - click on RSVP and you will receive all the information.



The Universal component we belong to is animated by two forces, the Feminine and the Masculine, the Yin and the Yang, the Form and the Formless, Matter and Space, Being and Doing, The Body and the Mind ...

Our body and mind are played by these polarities/dualities. Inner peace and Freedom can be found when we are able to integrate these polarities in our Presence. These polarities intertwine not only our body but are also at the core of Life and each manifestation and exist as a whole, animated by the Cosmic order.

In our modern society, this balance has been jeopardized with the importance of Doing and the Mind while neglecting Presence/Being and the Body. This disbalance is at the root of separation and all of the aches of our personal self and society. 

Being too much in the Masculine way, being the Doer, only in the mind causes exhaustion, fatigue, burn out, addiction and more... 

Because of this imbalance, we have lost our capacity to Be, to do Nothing, to Rest, to Restore our being, to Enjoy the ordinary pleasures of Life, to feel Free and to feel and be in the Flow of Life.

After all, Presence/Being is Pure Relaxation;) It sounds very simple but we've lost the capacity to do so because of society and also deep tensions and traumas making us feel unsafe to totally let go and to simply Be.


Your breath of Life, Presence, trauma release exercises, breathing and embodiment techniques, unwinding movement, bodywork around the different belts of tension, meditation, felt sense and somatic awareness, Eastern techniques and more.

This program offers a gradual and trauma informed approach.

Trauma-informed Presence-oriented Series

Here we will be working directly from our presence and the body, bypassing the mind, not going into the story. Being in our body, our presence, our breath, we are in the present moment directly in connection with life. This allows us to simply be with what is appearing, to breathe space within it to allow healing and nervous system regulation. This is what I call healing in presence.

I will be very happy to support you and to BE with you during this journey to the Cosmic Body

And if you have any questions, please contact me at

If you want to experience my work, check my blog where you can find some videos or my private platform: LINK


"This last series has helped me to go deeper into my body with the breath. I feel that the breathwork has helped me to dislodge some pain and trauma held in the body that I have not been able to dissolve with other practices.   

Overall, the whole series felt very expansive and induced a change of my frequency. It was an invitation to step into the next level of myself and let go of all that has been keeping me in the same patterns and holding me back. I had some resistance at some points to going deeper but I allowed my body to lead me.

During this last series I made the decision to quit my job which was the source of much anxiety and stress and I have been feeling a lot of density lifting and with it layers of fear and conditioning. One of the biggest fears was tied to me doing what was best for me on a personal level as opposed to sacrificing myself for others or an institution. I have been feeling supported by the breath in this process to let go and step into the next level of my power." Jill, Belgium


"I started to breathe with Bindu before she launched her first series. I was struggling with anxiety to show up as who I am, struggling with lack of self-confidence and fears of not being able to achieve anything. I was struggling with death and grief after a loss in my family. I was scared, not to die but to feel fully the loss and not being able to process it while being able to continue to support my son.  

I had few individual sessions and then began to breathe in Bindu's group. Effects were immediate. Each session brought its part of miracle and open me again to life, feeling more and more aliveness, feeling blessed to be Me and Alive.  

Bindu is not bringing you « somewhere », she has this marvelous ability to let you feel what’s already here and guide you to enter your own sacred space. She knows what « being home » means and she has the ability to guide you to the Love arising from your own pains and darkness.  She doesn’t know it from her head, she dares to experience it and shares with humility what she’s discovering for whoever wants to. It's not about "techniques", it's about LOVE. 

Since I’m breathing with Bindu, Breathwork is supporting me in my job, in the other workshops I am doing and in my daily life and daily challenges. Bindu's series allowed me to experience all  kinds of feelings while being more and more grounded.   

Now, I feel that Life is expressing through me and I don’t try to escape from it anymore. For the first time in my life I can say I love myself. Thank you Bindu!" Judith, Belgium


"Thank you Bindu for YOUR rapturous presence, which makes everything possible for all of us. 

Thank you for everything you’ve done that’s brought you to the place where you can be such a clear and resonant channel for truth. Simply being with you amplifies the experience of breathing many times over. 

Each session of this last series has been like a depth charge dropped into my soul… cleaning a path for resistance and pain and grief and misunderstanding to be released to make way for simple presence, which is so beautiful and peaceful and also ordinary too!" Elizabeth, UK

And Here are 2 videos testimonials which can also be found on my Blog page


BREATHWORK FREEDOM - The Quintessence of Eastern Wisdom for Western Mind

The breath is the simplest yet most profound way to access the essence of the Eastern wisdom for more peace and freedom in your daily life, acting both on your mind and your body.


I am delighted to be a certified breathworker in 2 different schools registered to the Global Breathworker Alliance: Alchemy of Breath and Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release.

Before attending these breathwork and nervous system healing modalities, I spent 20 years diving into meditation in Tibetan Buddhism, Advaita, living between the Western and the Eastern world. Before moving to India, I used to work in the Corporate environment in big cities all around the world.

For more than 15 years, I committed to Buddhist practices and I was able to receive the highest instructions from the Vajrayana/Tibetan tantric tradition such as Mahamudra/Dzogchen – different techniques showing who you are behind your busy mind, giving you access to your essential nature which is your expanded and relaxed state of being/consciousness.

Today, I have a deeply rooted somatic practice including Hatha yoga, Kundalini Yoga, embodied meditation practices, healing movement, and sacred feminine teachings.

I am convinced by the power of combining both the insights from spiritual teachings pointing out to our essential nature and the power of the breath to release physical tensions and trauma. This is how I developed my body of work, combining Eastern techniques and breathwork, addressing both the body and the mind for a real sense of Freedom in daily life  and this is why I am offering this new series.


My breathwork sessions are the fruition of the different techniques I practiced for many years, reflecting the essence of my spiritual path in a modern way, accessible to everyone and to the Western mind.

Due to my intercultural background, between the West and the East, I am able to bring the essence of the spiritual Eastern traditions in a very simple way, through the breath and presence.

My breathers are located all around the Western world. They are corporate workers, healers, coaches, spiritual seekers and also people with no spiritual background seeking for reconnection to who they are and to life and aspiring towards a sense of Freedom in the current hectic world.

My sessions allow them to experience and to forge an embodied sense of freedom, both in their body and in their mind, to feel empowered to live their life as they want.

At the body level, they can have access to safety and body opening with the release of deep tensions and traumas and reconnecting with vitality and aliveness. Thanks to the breath, they are able to access the subtle aspects of their body and feel the life flow at a cellular level.

“Opening the inner bodies and connecting with the creative life force has brought wondrous insights about my beingness, love and life. Miracles occur on a regular basis.”

Sam, Singapore

At the mind level, they are able to leave their hectic mind for a sense of calmness and happiness. Breathing allows them to feel reconnected with the depth of the present moment and to find the meaning of life in its richness and fullness.

While breathing, many of them also experience a lasting shift of perception, similar to a plant journey.

These shifts have deep impacts on their life as it opens the door to self-love and acceptance of their humanity. The shifts also allow them to reconnect to their Essence and their expanded state of being.

This naturally results in a felt sense of wholeness with life, as well as a feeling of being less isolated. From this new space of being, they are able to connect to other human beings in a more harmonious way and to feel how the collective is intertwined in their cells.


Finally, during my sessions, I am bringing the quintessence of my path through the breath supported by the vibration of one of the most sacred places of India. My breathers can feel that they are directly connected with the sacred vibration of India being transmitted through my breathwork sessions.

If you wish to go deeper in your breath, in your body, in your presence, in your essence for a real sense of Freedom, join my next Breathwork Freedom series. You will be part of a beautiful community of breathers from all over the world. They all come to take a breath of fresh air all together to reconnect to their Essence and their expanded state of being beyond their busy mind for a life lived with a deeper sense of freedom, which is very important seeing the current hectic conditions we are living in in most places of the world.

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